Product Release Notes


February 17th, 2020


New Features:

  1. Data Center: Releasing Data Sheet feature to handle the clean small business data.
  2. Platform Homepage: A Filter icon gets added to display platform documents based on their categories.
  3. The document tiles mention the number of views for the concerned document.
  4. Folder and Document Operations
    1. A new operation ‘Open document in new Tab’ for BDB folders and documents gets added (Story, Dashboard, Link URL, Forms, and Data Sheet). The user can get this operation by using a right-click on the concerned folder or document.
    2. The user can perform right-click operations by keeping the Story/ Link URL/ published Dashboard/ published Forms open.
  5. Admin Module: The following options get added to the Configuration section.
    1. Data Sheet settings
    2. API Connector Configuration
  6. The users can send mails through AMQ and save mail history..
  7. User Management:
    1. Data Science Models can get the ‘available to group’ permission.
    2. Edit permission is available for scripts in the Jupiter Notebook.
    3. Updated Data Science permissions are available in the App Permissions section.


  1. UI enhancements
    1. My Account: UI updated for Profile, Password, Preference and Configuration sections.
    2. New icons provided for the Search, Sort by, and Options (folder/document operations)
  2. AI Search
    1. Added Global Search.
    2. Search gets auto-complete suggestions.
    3. Additional information gets displayed for the text-based search.
    4. Supported charts: Significant chart, Pie Chart, and Matrix Summary.

Please Note: The Data Sheet feature is a Beta release.

Data Pipeline

New Features:

  1. The Global Variable functionality gets introduced to configure Pipeline components.
  2. Transformation: Email component gets added to the pipeline module.

Data Science Workbench

New Features:

  1. Jupiter Notebook component gets added to the Python workspace.
  2. Object Detection Model (Kafka inputs) model gets provided to the Data Pipeline plugin for Pipeline Deployment.
  3. Workflows: The ‘Auto Save’ option gets added to the options menu.
  4. Replacing Dashboard web socket with service for R status messages.
  5. Scheduler for multiple workflows has been provided.
  6. Data Science Models can get deployed multiple times to the Data Pipeline module and flag icon to identify the deployed models.
  7. Pre-defined scripts for the specific algorithm is moved to the concerned algorithm node in the Hide menu.
  8. Library Module: The Package installation status when in progress gets indicated through a loader.
  9. The user ID column gets added to the model table on the server-side.
  10. Python: The Excel File reader component gets added to the Python Workspace.
  11. Deep Learning: The NumPy component gets added under the Data Preparation node.
Please Note:
  1. The Version Control functionality for the Python Workspace is an Alpha release.
  2. The PySpark Workbench is an Alpha release.
  3. The Jupiter Notebook is an Alpha release.

Dashboard Designer


New Features:

  1. Data Sheet gets added as a Grid Component.


  1. Heatmap:
    1. Text-wrap support gets included for Data Label
    2. Different fields get displayed as the label field.
  2. Timeline: Individual fields can have a fill area option.
  3. Leaflet: Method gets overridden for more advanced configuration possibility
  4. Funnel: Custom tooltip gets added.
  5. Paging Grid: string comparison gets allowed for more alert options.
  6. Horizontal/ Vertical Slider(s)- A new property to freeze drag-handle gets added based on certain conditions.
  7. Filter Saver- UI updated for ease


New Features:

  1. Data Sheet connector gets added to create instant simulations in the dashboard.


  1. The user can choose a group of components to be exported on different pages in a pdf.
  2. Chart view and tabular data together can be exported in pdf.
  3. Data can be exported to CSV and TSV files.
  4. Export entire dashboard data in a single sheet of excel.
  5. The exported pdf file gets a dynamic name that can take values from global-variable.
  6. The user can control the Background color opacity for the heading and subheading of pdf pages.
  7. The exported view of the individual charts gets component-wise control as an image or table view in the dashboard pdf.
  8. Text-based search is available within the script content of components, connections, and dashboard.
  9. SDK Enhancements:
    1. The category colors for charts get set through an SDK method.
    2. An SDK object is available which can be used in the calculation field. The SDK object can have methods for any calculation.

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