May 25th, 2016


New Features:
  1. Document ordering
  2. Move To
  3. List’s Users and their documents present under an Administrator

Dashboard Designer

New Features:
  1. Manage Dashboards
  2. Conditional Color Formatting in Bubble Chart
  3. Dataset Pallet Enhancements
    1. Reduced Number of Properties
    2. Radius Color field
  4. Export Option for SVG components
  5. SQL Type Joins in Merge Connection
  6. Dashboards can be scaled based on on display devices
  7. Static Comparison Alert Functionality
  8. Trellis Chart

Predictive Workbench:

New Features:
  1. Cassandra Reader and Writer
  2. Spark K-Means
  3. Monitoring Job Status

Business Story

New Features:
  1. Story Migration
  2. Copy to


New Features:
  1. Collector System to handle single and multiple survey attempts
  2. Survey summary page

Social Media Browser

New Features:
  1. Eliminate Advertisements in Tweets using Machine Learning
General Recommendations:
Product Description
Dashboard Designer For best performance while using Excel as data source, Excel file size should be under 3 MB size.
Dashboard Designer Junk Data in excel can cause problems. Excel data should be structured as same as database table.
Dashboard Designer Due to limited browser memory, A chart can draw up to 120K data points more data can lead to browser crash.
Dashboard Designer More than 60 chart/grid components in dashboard will make DOM heavy and leads to browser failure
Survey For best viewing, the image size should not exceed 50 kb.

Known Limitations:
Product Description
Dashboard Designer Reloading the same .csv or Excel file in a connection is not possible.
Dashboard Designer When exporting dashboard to image or PowerPoint, graphics and SVG components will not be visible in the screen-shot.
Dashboard Designer Word-Cloud chart – For Words are not getting highlighted properly as per the frequency scale selection.
Dashboard Designer Area Chart – The background color of the context menu is black when a component is exported in pdf/jpg/print preview
Dashboard Designer Mozilla - Components are displayed in the same position on the canvas – this occurs only for some dashboards.
Predictive Workbench Progress bar is not displaying in IE 11 when a spark process is running.

Please Note:
  • Sentiment Analyzer : - NLP (Natural Language Processing) of Sentiment Analyzer is currently at the Beta stage. Our language experts are continually upgrading and improving the NLP dictionary and algorithms. It can be used internally, but users may experience defects and usability issues.