BDB Road Map


December, 2018

BDB Platform

  1. Rest API Throttling to Limit no. of the request based on server load (V 3.7)
  2. Telemetry (V 3.8)
  3. Logging and diagnostics (V 3.7)
  4. Monitoring and Alerts (V 3.7)
  5. Visual Query Designer (V 3.6)
  6. Connector -
    1. MongoDB (V 3.7)
    2. Snowflakes (V 3.6),
    3. Block Chain - IPFCS & Big Chain DB (alpha version in V 4.0)
    4. Neo4J graph DB
  7. Report Bursting for Story and Dashboard using a Scheduler (V 3.7)
  8. Email Alerts (V3.7)
    1. Data Thresholds
    2. New Published Report
  9. Federated Authentication (V 4.0)
  10. Enhancement in Microblogging feature for better collaboration (V 3.7)
  11. Enhancement in Document Migration (V 3.7)
  12. NLQ Enhancements:
    1. NLQ in Dashboards (V 3.7)
    2. Integrate with Skype as a Chatbot (V 4.0)
    3. Implement Python based ML, which will be developed as a Plugin for ES. (V 4.0)

BDB Business Story – Self Service Dashboard

  1. Aggregated Formulas
  2. Dynamic Filtering based on Web-socket Event Payload
  3. Timeline Play with Histogram Chart
  4. Significant Term Aggregation
  5. Formula Editor Enhancements
  6. Sort based on the Non-existing Dimension
  7. Running Summary
  8. Percentile Aggregation
  9. Filter Panel Enhancements
  10. Enable Filter and Lookup via Data Store/ Metadata
  11. Max Selection to be restricted to 10
  12. Remove Select all option
  13. Geo-based search

BDB Data Preparation & ETL

  1. Data Preparation Integration with the ETL Workflow with 50 Transforms and Enhanced UI/UX. (V 3.7)
  2. Seamless Integration of Data preparation and ETL (V 3.8)
  3. Data Reading and Cleansing from Unstructured Data with a Text File (V 4.0)
  4. ML based Data Cleansing options and Suggestions for Unstructured Data based on the Data Selection (V 4.0)
  5. Advanced Transform Components (V 4.0)
  6. Automated Data Preparation (Beta V 4.0)

BDB Predictive Workbench

  1. Integration of Keras + Tensor Flow using Python
    1. Sentiment Analysis Model using Twitter Data (V 3.6)
    2. SA Model using Yelp Reviews (V 3.6)
    3. Regression Algorithm (V 3.6)
    4. Neural Network - Create/Train/Retrain Model) (V 3.6)
    5. Neural Network (Option to use predefined models - Yelp & Twitter SA) (V 3.6)
    6. Auto ML (V 3.7)
    7. Forecasting Algorithm (V 3.7)
    8. Machine Learning for Image Classification (V 3.7)
    9. Machine Learning for Video Analytics (V 4.0)
  2. Integration with Jupyter like IDE (V 3.7)
  3. PA Workflow, Model, and Custom Script Migration (V 3.6)
  4. R - Regression Performance (V 3.6)
  5. R - Feature selection using Boruta library (V 3.6)
  6. R - Time series Forecasting using Prophet library (V 3.6)
  7. R - Support for multiple Saved Model (V 3.6)
  8. Implementation of JDBC connectors in Spark (V 3.6)
  9. Propose Accurate Algorithms based on the dataset (V 3.7)

BDB Dashboard Designer

  1. Dashboard Themes (V 3.6)
  2. Mito Plot Component (V 3.6)
  3. Data Storyteller Timeline Component (V 3.7)
  4. Filter Savers (V 3.6)
  5. Leaflet Maps - Layers and Polyfills, Radial Search (V 3.7)
  6. General usability features, Dashboard Loading, and UX upgrades (V 3.7)
  7. Voice based search in Dashboards (V 4.0)

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